Over Energizing when Sex, Try These Foods
Jakarta Sexual intercourse can be a physical activity that burns calories. So no wonder many people will define this activity as a form of exercise.
Like sports in general, before starting a sexual relationship you need nutrition. This is so that you have enough energy while doing so and not feel sluggish later.
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Foods that contain plenty of complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals to help your body get extra nutrients and energy. A good meal is eaten before sex? Here as reported from Fitness Republic, Friday (09/02/2017).
1. Bananas
Bananas are digested quickly with a high potassium content, so it is a source of energy and nutrients well. You can eat it straight or process them into snack.
2. Avocado
The fruit is rich in healthy fats and carbohydrates. Both the content of it can be a good source of energy. Monounsaturated fats (monounsaturated fat) is important for the production of sexual hormones. Of course, the hormone has a crucial role in the sexual relationship, is not it?
3. Watermelon
The freshness of watermelon can be a source of hydration and nutrients that are good for the body. Watermelon contains citrulline and nitric oxide merileksasi blood vessels. That is, the blood will flow well, including to the genitals. As a result, stimulation feels better in this section.
Jakarta Sexual intercourse can be a physical activity that burns calories. So no wonder many people will define this activity as a form of exercise.
Like sports in general, before starting a sexual relationship you need nutrition. This is so that you have enough energy while doing so and not feel sluggish later.
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Turn Passion Sex with 5 Food Seductive It
Foods that contain plenty of complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals to help your body get extra nutrients and energy. A good meal is eaten before sex? Here as reported from Fitness Republic, Friday (09/02/2017).
1. Bananas
Bananas are digested quickly with a high potassium content, so it is a source of energy and nutrients well. You can eat it straight or process them into snack.
2. Avocado
The fruit is rich in healthy fats and carbohydrates. Both the content of it can be a good source of energy. Monounsaturated fats (monounsaturated fat) is important for the production of sexual hormones. Of course, the hormone has a crucial role in the sexual relationship, is not it?
3. Watermelon
The freshness of watermelon can be a source of hydration and nutrients that are good for the body. Watermelon contains citrulline and nitric oxide merileksasi blood vessels. That is, the blood will flow well, including to the genitals. As a result, stimulation feels better in this section.